Bus routes 2024-25
For any questions about bus transportation, contact the bus company in your town listed below. Staff at Six to Six are unable to provide information about busing, including assignments or locations.
In order for your student to qualify for transportation they must meet all of the following requirements:
  • The student is in grades K-8.
  • The student lives in one of the transportation towns.
  • The student’s residence is located 1 mile or more from the school.
Each town differs on how they inform families of a student’s bus or route and time of morning pickup. If your child will be using transportation, please inform their teacher. 
Visit to find a list of bus/route. Your child will be in the one closest to your home address.  
WE Transportation  203-883-8081

The transportation company will contact families individually.  
Dispatch 203-255-4576

Bus numbers and stops will be emailed.  
WE Transportation  203-883-8081

Visit for information or click here to download the list.
Dispatch 203-261-4329