At CES and through the Leadership Institute at CES, we strive to provide innovative, cutting-edge programs and services to meet the demands of our member school districts and their leaders.
This page is dedicated to communication, networking and professional development opportunities for all educational leaders and those who wish to move into leadership roles.
Click below to see what's happening for leaders at CES!
Take a look through the flipbook below (click right/left to flip) to see more specific information about
Leadership Professional Learning Programs and Sessions
Legislative Updates
Educational Leadership Resources
The following resources have been curated to assist educators, leaders, and community members interested in educational leadership.
- CT Administrative Endorsements
- Approved Curriculum Development Courses for Department Chair
- CSDE Talent Office (Bureau of Educator Effectiveness & Bureau of Certification and Educator Standards)
- Connecticut Evidence Guides (for observers)
- Educator Evaluation (Teachers, Support Specialists, and Administrators)
- EdSight
- Superintendent's Digest
- CHRO Sexual Harassment Prevention Training (now free to all districts)
- AASA, American Association of School Administrators
- AERA, American Educational Research Association
- ALAS, Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents
- AMLE, Association for Middle Level Education
- CoSN, Council for School Networking
- NAESP, National Association of Elementary School Principals
- NASSP, National Association of Secondary School Principals
- NEA, National Education Association
The CT Learning Hub
Your destination for universal access to curated tools and resources anytime, anywhere. The CT Learning Hub puts resources in the hands of Connecticut families, students and educators. The Hub is a free and interactive web page of digital resources to support online and offline learning.
Your destination for universal access to curated tools and resources anytime, anywhere. The CT Learning Hub puts resources in the hands of Connecticut families, students and educators. The Hub is a free and interactive web page of digital resources to support online and offline learning.